Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Some Thoughts on the State of Things I Think

The original of this was written in January of 2003. –

There are things that have changed, so this essay has been rewritten to bring it up to date with my current thinking.


The 9 Noble Virtues; I could not recite more than 2 or 3 of any such list.

-- on soapbox --

I am Asatru. I am not defined by my participation in discussion lists; I am defined by my life, my thoughts, my beliefs, my words, and my deeds.

I am Asatru. I am fully aware of how Oaths affect my Orlay and my Wyrd. I am Oathed to no one, save the Holy Ones and my Wife.

I am Asatru. I am an American (sometimes referred to as Vinnish or Vinlandish) Heathen. I live within the Folkway born of those of my Forebears from Europe, particularly those of the northern, western and Atlantic island peoples.

I am Asatru. I am Steven, known as Piparskeggr, son of Stewart, son of Harold, son of Lewis, son of Mikhail, son of… Knowledge of who I am must include knowledge of those who have become me.

Overall, ladies and gentlemen, we are a young, human endeavor. We are still learning to walk after creeping about for a while. Many of us within the Northern Folkway are older than this stage of the Reawakening.

I believe that I have been Heathen all my life. My upbringing, my parents, the structure of my extended family are all Heathen; coated with a wash of Romanitas from the Catholicism, which has been the family religion for any number of years, and the southern European heritage from my mom’s side. The ethic and worldview of this Clan and culture is what shaped me as I am.

Stephen McNallen, Valgard Murray, Else Christiansen, Ymir Thunarsson, Thorsteinn Thoraninson, Garman Lord, Diane Paxson and all... These men and women are the First Folk of the Reawakening, amongst the First to know that they were Awake to the Music of the northern Wind in their hearts.

I'm at the tail end of the Second Wave of Wakers, I believe that I consciously awakened in July 1989 and having found "organized" heathenry a few years thereafter was relieved to know I was not alone.

I would venture the guess that I have a better grasp of Kingship, Thew, Oath and Tribe than quite a few Asafolk, and a better idea of the same than some Theodish Folk (Greater, not High).

But, I am still Asatru.

I respect Garman like I do my Drighten (Stephen McN.), but I have no Oath to him (or Steve for that matter). Though, I am probably one of the more Theodish Asamen you will meet. I set great Worth in Community and Tribe, and Chieftainship and Oath, Forebears and Kinlore.

I am a Hope for Asatru, for I also understand Poetic Significance. This being an Idea I learned from my Theodish Friends. Should just 2 Asafolk learn from my example (and I'm seeing signs of more than 2), then I have done my Duty and my Life will have been worthwhile. Not all who pretend to Heathenry will get it; be it Asatru, Theodism, or what have you. We who do get it will always be a minority, in any community; 'tis part of our burden to bear, for the community.

I had a “Seeing” of That Which May Become. Heathenry will not just survive (which condition is unacceptable to me), but will grow: Garman will see many more Midsummers, Stephen McNallen will see more Gatherings of the Tribes, Valgard Murray will see more Alliance Althings, Travis Alderman will see a 20th Virginia Thing...

[[Garman has absented he and those closest to him from most contact outside their Theod, Travis has “gone Theodish,” but I think the Seeing mentioned will pan out in the end in some good form.]]

The “marginal characters,” the "crusts of the bread," as you will, the parts that many discard, or use for crumbs. We will always have "crusts" and "heels" on our "loaves" so long as we "bake."

Build, my friends; look to your Garths and Folk. Others will stand or fall on their own merits or demerits.

-- off soapbox --

There I go again...

Be Well and May the Holy Ones smile on thee and thine - Pip


Blogger Unknown said...


I wish to commend you for your statement not just of belief but truly a way of life. What you have expressed here should be an inspiration to us all.

Ymir Thunarsson
Eagles Reaches

6/26/2010 10:11 PM  

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