What to Offer?
Most usually we do use mead or other fermented beverage.
Sometimes it is a Gods' portion of a meal, sometimes a knife, bracelet, carving or other item of craft.
We are not offering just the drink (or food or other object) we are giving of ourselves: our effort, our thoughts, our skill, our time, our might, our maegn...
Something, which has been made or changed by human hands, is rightful to Give to Them, I believe.
If one is below "drinking age," a Good Gift can still be given.
There have been times when I have purchased raw coffee beans, roasted them, ground them and brewed coffee from them. I have shared this drink with Uller on cold, wintry days, and I believe He likes this strong brew of mine.
The key is not so much what is offered as is How and Why.
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